
Announcing the San Antonio Regional Relocation Council Sponsorship Opportunities $500 for Sponsorship to include:

  • Recognition at meeting via program agenda, table top displays, and Presidential acknowledgement.
  • Logo acknowledgement of Sponsor on SARRC website, rotated with other Sponsors on the home page.
  • Acknowledgement of Sponsor on SARRC meeting invitation
  • Ability to distribute corporate marketing material at table with limited space.
  • One exhibit table will be provided at the meeting for all sponsors. No special drawings from the exhibit table will be allowed, however door prize drawings with prior approval from the Board may be held at the conclusion of the meeting.

Please use the form below to fill out your application and attach your logo – after you’ve submitted the form below, you’ll see a link to pay online.

If you have any questions, please email Robin Morris: Robin Morris

  • Please provide a brief (1-3 sentences) description of your company
  • Upload files

  • Upload a copy of your camera ready jpeg logo so we can put it on the SARRC web site, invitation, and agenda.
    Max. file size: 3 GB.